
popkinmocks is a toolkit to create models of the stellar content of galaxies and produce mock observations of Integral Field Unit (IFU) datacubes.

Models in popkinmocks are distributions over stellar population and kinematic parameters. These can be created either using particle data from simulations, or a provided library of parametric galactic components. Given a model, popkinmocks provides tools to evaluate the stellar integrated-light contribution to the IFU datacube, and derived properties of the distribution such as (mass or light weighted) moments, and conditional and marginal probability functions.

popkinmocks is being actively developed in a public repository on GitHub. If you have any trouble, open an issue. Information about contributing can be found here.


API Documentation:

License & attribution#

Copyright 2023 Prashin Jethwa.

The source code is made available under the terms of the MIT license.

If you make use of this code, please cite this package and its dependencies. You can find more information about how and what to cite in the citation documentation.